The 7×24 Winter Program presented new EUI (Energy Use Intensity, kBTU/Ft2) requirements for existing buildings in Denver, which will help to meet Colorado’s Climate goals. The requirements state that buildings are considered existing 12 months after receiving a certificate of occupancy. All “office” buildings require an EUI of 48.3 or lower by 2030 and Data Center’s have to reduce their EUI 30% by 2030. Admittedly, officials indicated this is not practical for Data Centers, and that the regulations will be revised in the future. Most likely, Data Centers in the City of Denver will have to meet a certain PUE by 2030.
Currently, these new requirements are for buildings within the city of Denver, and excludes federal government and state buildings. However, the State of Colorado has a task force working on how State legislation will be defined and enforced, and representatives indicated that the state requirements will be similar to the city’s. Expect to hear more about how these regulations directly affect Data Centers and the creative solutions needed to comply with upcoming milestones.