Swanson Rink’s 2nd Annual kickball tournament benefiting the Volunteers of America’s Bannock Youth Center was a huge success, nearly doubling in size from the inaugural event, with over 170 players participating from 16 teams. Through this fundraiser, Swanson Rink was able to raise over $3,500 for the Bannock Youth Center ‘Superior Standards’ Scholarship Fund, and a large part of this was due to the generous raffle prizes we received from area donors.
The Bannock Youth Center is operated by Volunteers of America, a non-profit organization in Denver, CO, committed to helping disadvantaged youth, as well as their young children, become independent, contributing members of society. The youth served are formerly homeless and very low income and would be unable to attend trade school or college without scholarship assistance.

A big thank you to the all the teams that participated. We had several teams join us for the 2nd year in a row which included RJM Construction, Mortenson Construction, VOA, Iron Horse Architects, Gensler, and the returning champs: Snitches Get Stitches. These teams were joined by new competition from Dynalectric, Howell Construction, HPE, Saunders Construction, Braconier, and multiple teams formed from Swanson Rink’s friends, families, and employees.
Finally, congratulations to the winning team, Red Ball & Vodka! We are looking forward to seeing everyone again at next year’s tournament!